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Peng Wei. Migrations of Memory-Wild Geese Descend on Level Sands IV no. 3, 2021. Album leaf; ink and colors on flax paper, Leaf: 38 x 60 cm (14 15/16 x 23 5/8 in.). Edward L. Whittemore Fund, 2022.4. Copyrighted.

Migrations of Memory-Wild Geese Descend on Level Sands IV no. 3


Peng Wei

Peng Wei (Chinese, b. 1974)

Chinese Art

Migrations of Memory-Wild Geese Descend on Level Sands IV no. 3, 2021. Peng Wei (Chinese, b. 1974). Album leaf; ink and colors on flax paper; leaf: 38 x 60 cm (14 15/16 x 23 5/8 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Edward L. Whittemore Fund 2022.4 This riverscape in blue-and-green style with a waterfall and fishing boat is directly inspired by the 12th century handscroll painting Cloudy Mountains by Mi Youren in the CMA’s collection (1933.220). The calligraphy, a transcribed personal letter by the Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich (1906–1975), does not connect with the landscape other than that they are united by the hand of the artist. At a right angle, one can see the glimmer and sparkle of mica on the painting’s surface.
Peng Wei
Formatted Medium
Album leaf; ink and colors on flax paper
Leaf: 38 x 60 cm (14 15/16 x 23 5/8 in.)
Inscription: 肖斯塔科维奇致伊萨克·达维多维奇 /茹科夫别墅 /1972年 4月3日/ 亲爱的伊萨克 . 达维多维奇: 今天写信,有一件事恳请你帮忙,我想再努一把力,争取到列宁格勒参加我的《第十五交响曲》的音乐会。 我想让你委婉地打听一下,何时在什么地方将演奏我的这部作品,因为我亲自去打听实为不便。或许叶夫盖尼亚·历山德罗维奇·穆拉文斯基还能像过去那样,凭着自己的“蛮横”并像之前强行指挥我的《第十三交响曲》和《第二大提琴协奏曲》那样,再次强行安排并指挥我的《第十五交响曲》,这样不会使他感到超越自己的创作范围吗?因此,恳请你专门替我打听一下这方面的消息。如果一切正常,我可以在演出前5天赶到列宁格勒,并亲自参加他们的排练。音乐会结束之后,我就可以平静地去雷宾诺休息7-8天。等你的好消息。 请代我和伊琳娜向薇拉·瓦西里耶芙娜致意。 你的德·肖斯塔科维奇 Translation: Dmitry Dmitriyevich Shostakovich to Isaak Glikman / Zhukova /April 3, 1972 Dear Isaak Davïdovich, Would you please do me a great favor? I want to summon up all my strength and come to Leningrad to hear the performance of my Fifteenth Symphony. I should like you, please, tactfully to find out if and when it is due to be performed. It is rather awkward for me to do it myself. I am worried that Yevgeny Mravinsky’s creative personality may not be in complete sympathy with the work, and that he may therefore treat it as cavalierly as he did the Thirteenth Symphony and the Second Cello Concerto. And so I should like you to find out everything you can about this matter. Then I would plan to come up 5 days or so before the first performance, attend the rehearsals, and afterwards go for about 7 or 8 days to Repino. I will wait for your news. Irina and I send our greetings to Vera Vasiliyevna. Your D. Shostakovich
Chinese Art
Accession Number
Credit Line
Edward L. Whittemore Fund
Rights Statement

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