Photo of collection object Folio 5 from a Kalpa-sutra
Folio 5 from a Kalpa-sutra, c. 1475–1500. gum tempera and gold on paper, Overall: 11.5 x 29.3 cm (4 1/2 x 11 9/16 in.). Gift in memory of Herbert F. Leisy, 1979.23. CC0.

Folio 5 from a Kalpa-sutra

c. 1475–1500

Maker Unknown

Indian and Southeast Asian Art

Folio 5 from a Kalpa-sutra, c. 1475–1500. Western India, Gujarat. Gum tempera and gold on paper; overall: 11.5 x 29.3 cm (4 1/2 x 11 9/16 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift in memory of Herbert F. Leisy 1979.23 The "further eye" extending beyond the bounds of the face is a characteristic of 15th-century painting.
Maker Unknown
Formatted Medium
gum tempera and gold on paper
Overall: 11.5 x 29.3 cm (4 1/2 x 11 9/16 in.)
Inscription: [[recto, beginning with line 1]] devāṇuppie | sumiṇā diṭṭhā | taṁ || attha lābho devāṇuppie | bhoga lābho | sutta lābho | sukha lā- [line 2] bho de° || evaṁ khalu tumaṁ devāṇuppie navaṇhaṁ māsāṇaṁ bahupaḍipunnāṇaṁ | addh’aṭṭhamāṇaṁ rāïṁdi- [line 3] yāṇaṁ | viïkkaṁtāṇaṁ sukumāla-pāṇi-pāyaṁ | ahīṇa-paḍipunna-paṁc’iṁdiya-sarīraṁ lakkhaṇa-vaṁjaṇa-gu- [line 4] ṇovaveyaṁ māṇ’ummāṇa-pamāṇa-paḍipunna-sujāya-savv’aṁga-suṁdar’aṁga | sasi-somākāraṁ | kaṁtaṁ piyadaṁ | [line 5] saṇaṁ surūvaṁ dārayaṁ payāhisi | se vi ya ṇaṁ dārae | ummukka-bāla-bhāve vinnāya-pariṇaya-mitte | jo- [line 6] vvaṇagam’anupatte | riuveya-yaüvveya-sāma|veya|-atthavvaṇaveya iïhāsaṁ paṁcamāṇaṁ nighaṁṭu-cha- [line 7] ṭṭhāṇaṁ s’aṁgovaṁgāṇaṁ sarahassāṇaṁ | caüṇhaṁ veyāṇaṁ sārae pārae dhārae saḍ’aṁgavī saṭṭhi-taṁtaṁ visāra- Translation: “O beloved of the Gods, you saw dreams: you will have wealth O beloved of the Gods, you will enjoy pleasure, you will have a son, you will experience bliss, O beloved of the Gods. Indeed, beloved of the Gods, in nine plain and full months and seven and a half days and nights, you will have a charming beautiful and good-looking son, he will have soft hands and feets, a body possessing without limitations the five sense organs, bearing the auspicious signs, marks and qualities, he will have a beautiful body, with all its limbs well balanced, well formed in shape, proportion and size [and] a moon-like face. And, when this boy will have left behind his infancy, and when he will have just developped his acuity, having reached youth, he will commit to memory, study [and] master the four Vedas: Ṛgveda, Yajurveda, Sāmaveda, Attharvaveda, the Itihāsas in fifth position, lexicology (nigghanṭu) in sixth position and with all that the Aṅgas, Upāṅgas and the Rahasyas. He will be a master of the six Aṅgas […] Jinacaritra Inscription: [[verso, beginning with line 1]] e | saṁkhāṇe sikkhā kappe | vāgaraṇe | cchaṁde nirutte | joyasām=ayaṇe annesu ya bahūsu baṁbhannaesu [line 2] parivvāyaesu | supariniṭṭhie yāvi bha[vi]ssa|i taṁ orālaṁ tume devāṇuppie | jāva ārogge-tuṭṭhidī- [line 3] –hāüya-maṁgalla-kallāṇa-kāragā ṇaṁ tume devāṇuppie sumiṇā diṭṭhā ti kaṭṭu bhujjo 2 aṇuvūha- [line 4] ï | aṇu 2 tae ṇaṁ sā Devāṇaṁdā māhaṇī Usabhadattassa māhaṇassa aṁtie eyam=aṭṭhaṁ soccā | nisa- [line 5] mma haṭṭha-tuṭṭhā jāva haya-hiyayā kara-yala-pariggahiyaṁ dasa-nahaṁ sirasā vattaṁ matthae jaṁ aṁjali [line 6] kaṭṭu | Usabhadattaṁ māhaṇaṁ evaṁ vayāsī | evam=eyaṁ devāṇuppiyā taham=eyaṁ devā° avitaham=eyaṁ [line 7] de | asaṁdiṭṭham=eyaṁ de icchi[ya]m=eyaṁ devā° pa|ḍicchiyam=eyaṁ devā° paḍicchiyam =eyaṁ devāṇuppiyā | sacce Translation: He will expand on the sixty tantras and will also thoroughly know mathematics, phonetics, the science of rituals, grammar, metrics, etymology, astrology (joyasām ayaṇe) and many other brahmanical and śrāmaṇical sciences.” “You saw remarkable dreams O beloved of the Gods, [°] you saw dreams, O beloved of the Gods, that bring good fortune, luck, long life, happiness and good health.” Thus, he [Ṛṣabhadatta], again and again, rejoiced. When the Brāhmaṇī Devānandā heard and listened to this speech from the Brahman Ṛṣabhadatta, she became joyful and happy, glad in her heart [°] joining the palms of her hand, bringing her ten nails together on her head, she laid her folded hands on her forehead and spoke thus to the Brahman Ṛṣabhadatta: “This is so, O beloved of the Gods! Exactly so, beloved of the Gods! This is true, O beloved of the Gods! This is free of doubts O beloved of the Gods! This is what I wish, O beloved of the Gods! This is what I accept, O beloved of the Gods! This is what I accept, O beloved of the Gods! […]
Accession Number
Credit Line
Gift in memory of Herbert F. Leisy
Rights Statement
Museum Location
242B Indian Painting

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