Photo of collection object Tapestry
Tapestry, early 18th century. Camelid fiber, 77 3/4 x 67 3/4in. (197.5 x 172.1cm). Museum Collection Fund, 46.133.1. Creative Commons-BY.


early 18th century

Maker Unknown

Arts of the Americas

Tapestries, rugs, and rich fabrics were among the most valuable goods in early colonial households, second only to jewels and precious objects in gold and silver. The private market for these textiles was stimulated once Europeans realized such works’ importance in pre-Columbian cultures.

The sixteenth-century Peruvian tapestry at the left features both European and indigenous motifs, including a spotted dog (a symbol of the Dominican order) in the central field and animals from the Peruvian ornamental repertoire, such as snakes, viscachas (Andean rodents), rabbits, and birds. Native and non-native motifs were also combined in later colonial examples, such as the tapestry at the right from Cajamarca with a mermaid, a European element that was very popular in Peru, surrounded by Andean animals.

Los tapices, alfombras y ricas telas se contaban entre los bienes más valiosos de las casas del periodo colonial temprano, luego de las joyas y objetos preciosos de oro y plata. El mercado privado para estos textiles se vio estimulado cuando los europeos se percataron de su valor para las culturas precolombinas.

El tapiz peruano del siglo XVI presentado a la izquierda incluye motivos tanto europeos como indígenas; entre ellos destacan un perro moteado (símbolo de la orden Dominicana) en el campo central y animales del repertorio ornamental peruano, tales como serpientes, vizcachas (roedores andinos), conejos y pájaros. Motivos nativos y europeos también se combinan en ejemplos coloniales posteriores, como en este tapiz de Cajamarca presentado a la derecha en el que una sirena, elemento europeo muy popular en el Perú, aparece en el centro rodeada por animales andinos.
Maker Unknown
Formatted Medium
Camelid fiber
camelid, fiber
77 3/4 x 67 3/4in. (197.5 x 172.1cm)
Accession Number
Credit Line
Museum Collection Fund
Rights Statement
Creative Commons-BY
Dominant Colors

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